Wednesday, May 6

End of year one sem break at singapore!

finally i hav only 3 more years of studying to go til my advance diploma, so fast a year had past. for my holidays it started with me going to singapore to visit my sister, kind enough she took us around to play, places like bird park, science fair that includes alot of fact about astronomy. i realize that it was her first time too, which means all this time she was only working and only took out her hard earn money to spend n enjoy with us me n my dad, for that i am truely greatful! hope things will work out for u n ur boyfriend jie =) okey heres a picture of us!

jus for the record i did not pick this picture because its the only 1 that i look better in even though thats true. but actually i jus wanna show everybody how the counter lady looks like. Hopefully my humour still isn't annoying XD

OH! and i also took this with my handphone at singapore